Ladies I'm in need of some advice? I do I get over the father of my unborn baby ?

I'm 24 weeks pregnant with his son, it was all planned and we were both really happy. Things turned and he turned to drinking and shouting and worst of all being horrible to my 5 year daughter (previous relationship) anyway I've moved into my own place and he has informed me he is going out on a date with this woman. Although I don't want him I feel anger and bitnerness to why he can't just wait until our son is born... Is that so much to ask? I'm scared ill have to give birth alone... Etc. He promised me he wouldn't meet anyone else until the baby is born and just the other day he told me he has feelings for me. Anyway my question is how do I get over him? How do I not reply to him or text him every day? I don't want him but of course there are still feelings there.