Help! I need advice from ladies who use fertility kits.

Jess • 😁😙💑👶🍼💖

I got off of birth control (Nuvaring) the first week of January. I had a normal period, then we used these apps to track my window. I had crazy pregnancy symptoms through February, only to get BFNs and a period on CD 45. My period was 2, maybe 3 days, and heavy. We still BD'd. My period came to a skidded halt. My cycles are relatively normal (28-29 CDs) so I started using my Clearblue Digital Fertility tests. I was Peak the first day, so we BD'd two days in a row. Then out of anxiousness over my last cycle lingering, I decided "fuck it, I'm testing daily even if I get lows eo I can track my hormones and understand my body." So once the peak smiley went away, I tested. Low. As to be expected because after peak it will say low to determine your baseline hormone level. That evening I tested, High Fertility. So we Bd'd. Then tge next day, High fertility. Bd'd. Then this morning PEAK again??? Ugh. Needless to say we'll BD, but why are my hormone level so high? Any opinions, ladies? I read somewhere that you'll get highs/peaks everytime if you're pregnany, but it's too soon to take a HPT.

Look at that smug smiley... lol