Wasn't aware

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

That any woman in her 20s is doing life wrong and should be partying instead of having a family, because you're not capable of supporting kids. I will never understand people, why judge my choices if I'm not going to judge your decision to conceive in your 30s or 40s. Where is the law stating that you are supposed to party in your 20s in order to live life fully? Why do we have to party all the time. I'm sorry if your 20s were spent partying and drinking and "living it up" but I am spending mine raising a child, as I want to. And I have the capability of doing so, not just living off the state.

And guys, I'm not saying I'm perfect, cuz I'm not, but I know that a lot of us in our 20s are perfectly capable of raising kids just as well as someone in their 30s. I'm just tired of being judged for the decision of having kids now instead of waiting. It's my decision, my uterus 😂 I'm sure some of you have stories of your own about being judged for being young too, and if you just want to hate on me and anyone else for this decision, just don't. I'm perfectly happy with my decision.