Thyroid causing issues

Has anyone experiences some issues like this with their thyroid? 
Both parents have issues, dad Hyper, mom Hypo, so I've been getting checked every couple years.
Hubby and I aren't preventing pregnancy so it could be a possiblity but fine either way. 
Got my thyroid checked this week. This was the first time I've heard the levels are getting higher. They went from a 1.3 up to a 3.6. 
I know it's still in the normal range but I'm concerned for my current and future reproductive health. 
Could this suddenly change possibly indicate a pregnancy? I try not to overthink it much but it's always in the back of my mind. In the future, could my thyroid cause issues conceiving? 
Also (I don't know whether to attribute this to the thyroid issues or the fact that I'm currently not working because my husband and I travel for his work) but I've lost all motivation to workout and to get out of the house, etc. not depressed, just content with being bored. But I've had some weight gain. About 10 lbs now. And that's unheard of for me. I typically never gained weight easily even when I eat like crap. Could be me getting older, thyroid, lazy, etc. 
Just looking for someone going through or has gone through similar situations!