Lady gave birth in hospital foyer last night!!!

Okay, so last night I witnessed my biggest fear. A lady literally had come in through the front doors of the hospital and gave birth. It scared the crap out of me, and now I'm so absolutely terrified about giving birth, and more so as well, not getting there in time. I'm so scared as a midwife will tell you not to come in until contractions are close together etc, but what if you leave it too late and end up like that women? I shouldn't be panicking this much, but I can't help it I'm literally so worried and don't know when I should go to the hospital. After that though, I think as soon as contractions start im just going to go straight there. Just so afraid of being sent home and not making it back in time :/ has anyone else had this fear or can relate, or any other women experienced a fast labour and barely making it to the hospital and your experience?