Trying to conceive for 15 mos with PCOS

Cassie • I am 1 in 10- PCOS fighter.
First off, I'm new to this app. My boyfriend and I have been TTC for 15 months. I have PCOS and was diagnosed almost 7 years ago. I have been on bcp and metformin (mostly) since then. Stopped taking bcp in June of 2014 and have been seriously trying since December 2014. I am 19 (20 in May) and my boyfriend is 21. We have lived together for 2 years and are stable enough for a baby. I don't get a period at all when I'm not on bcp, and I have a Drs appointment on Tuesday to try and get clomid. This will be the first time I'll be talking to a doctor about TTC. Not sure what to expect and I'm a little nervous they won't prescribe clomid because of my age. If they don't, I'm thinking of ordering it online. What do you ladies think?