How i got my BFP!


To start, ive never posted on here before. Ive always browsed the chat rooms, looking day after day for any tips on how to get that much sought after BFP. I always found myself looking under glow announcements to see if those women shared how they were able to get their BFP but was often disappointed as they never usually shared their story so i decided that since i got my BFP I would share as much as i could 😊 i hope this helps and baby dust to all!!!

*Age: 26yrs

*Previous pregnancies: miscarriage in January 2014 (unplanned pregnancy but was very much excited non the less)

*Cycle lengths: 31-35 day avg. My cycles are always very light and only last 3 days.

*Length TTC: I got off of bc in august 2015 after 10 years (off and on) and we began trying in December of 2015.

*What i used: i began using ovulation kits in January of 2016. Usually ovulated around day 19-21. I also began using preseed at the end of january and tried using it right before, during, and for a few days after my fertile window. This cycle we did the SMEP (sperm meets egg plan) which was very succesful!. And also glow :)

*PMS symptoms: usually just cramps starting 2 days before my cycle, not many other symptoms that i notice.

*Testing: 11dpo i tested only because i had an obgyn appt and thought it would be good to know before hand, got a BFN but wasnt surprised as i already thought i was out this cycle. 15 dpo BFP! 2 very very dark lines!

*Symptoms before bfp: i totally thought i was out this cycle, was with out a doubt positive i wasnt pregnant and i was devistated...i began getting bad cramps about 5 days before AF was due. I didn't think they were implantation cramps because they were sooo awful. I thought implantation cramps would be very light and only last a few hours. My cramps were bad for about 2 days, and then became lighter as i got closer to what i thought would be my AF. I never had any implanation bleeding, only cramps. The only thing i noticed is that my nipples usually get sore right after i ovulate and they didnt this cycle. I had none of the "usual" pregnancy symtoms. Im always nauseous and always have a heightened sense of smell so i cant really go by that. The day i got my bfp i had to go home from work because i got an awful migraine, not just a bad headache, like a serioisly debilitating migraine with the weird aura thing and all! Ive only had migraines like once or twice before in my life so i thought it was weird. After i slept it off, i noticed that night that my nipples were slightly sore (not my boobs though). Nothing crazy but i never have sore nipples before AF, only for a few days after i ovulate. I started to wonder if it was because i was pregnant so i held my pee for about 3 hrs and tested around 10pm at night and sure enough there it was, 2 lines!!

*Todays symptoms: i am now 4.5 wks and still have light cramping, sometimes crampy sometimes more like a light pinch. My abs feel like i pulled a muscle sometimes when i move. My nipples are now extremely sore but still not my boobs. Light nausea here in there, which ive always struggled with anyway. Serious bloating! You can see my abs in the morning but by night i look 5 months prego lol. Not much more than that though.

Ive tried to remeber everthing i could as i have downloaded glow nuture and will most likely not be back on here to check my post so sorry for any questions that go unanswered! Please pray that this one sticks! Baby dust to all you wonderful ladies!