I bled last night...

I went pee and when I wiped I saw a streak of bright red on the paper. I looked in the bowl and I saw two little blood clots the size of a lady bug. I instantly freaked out. I called my boyfriend and he said he was on his way. He lives a little ways away. So i drove myself to the nearest Kaiser emergency. I arrived and everything was fine. They did a vaginal exam and then a vaginal ultrasound. Which I wasn't allowed to see. Then my boyfriend finally came. He was so sweet and kept kissing all over my face. The doctor said he sees a fine in uterus pregnancy. But to call my doctor on Monday. I have my frist prenatal appt on Thursday. 
Has anyone ever experienced this? It was so scary and I'm worried it was because I was such an emotional mess all morning. I am about 7 weeks now.