Constant cramping

🐵🦉🦖🦊 • SAHM 🧒JEC 5/12/11 🧒CIC 3/20/14 🧒IJC 3/25/16 👼JRC 9/7/17 - 5/31/18

I'm 38wks and 2days with my 3rd. All day I've been having constant cramps in my back. They've been getting more painful. It's pretty uncomfortable now. I'm having tightening too but the cramping is constant. I've never experienced this before idk if I'm going into labor or just having cramps

Update: getting more intense still can't figure out if it's contractions or what. The pain it constant. Now I'm having pressure making me feel like I need to poop here and there. Been able to once still no relief

Update2: had the pain all night. Kept me up most of the night. Now it's not as strong as yesterday but still there. Hoping for some change today that let's me know if it's oncoming labor or just cramps

Update3: going to the dr to make sure I'm not getting another kidney infection. Hoping for early labor.