I'm so upset I wish I knew


I don't want to test because idk if it's a.f or implantation bleeding

I've been having very very light pink blood sometimes just when I whipe some a drop on a pad or some days for a hr and gone the rest of the day untill the next day this will be my 4/5th day glow says a.f due in 4 days <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> 2 days I was testing to see when I ovulated and I got my peak on the 9th last cycle was either 13 ir 14th of feb to the 19th

Has any one gone through this is it a.f

implantation bleeding don't know if I should test since I haven't got a normal period ? & I'm super heavy when it comes to a.f