Mental reasons...

Hello mommy's! I'm 37 weeks today and I was wondering if any mommies have been induced for mental reasons. I have manic bipolar and for 5 hours today I switched between crying and holding my head to shaking and trying not to scream in anger. Every time I'd switch from crying to angry I felt the need to run. I didn't run before getting pregnant sooo I really canny run now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant. I feel like I might put my little girl in danger if I go into another episode like that again, and no, I'm not taking my medication for it right now because my doctor really didn't want me on them while pregnant but said if I absolutely needed them, he'd put me back on them but now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant and she hasn't been exposed to that medication, I don't feel comfortable taking them... I was just curious if anyone has been induced for mental reasons? (Bipolar, depression, anxiety?)

I'm putting this as anonymous because I'm afraid of the retribution I might get for asking 😐😢