
Erica β€’ 21. Single Mommy. Isaiah Ethan ~ Born July 15th, 2016

Q: my manager just had a baby and they didn't circumcise her son before they left she hospital, I thought that you usually get it done at the hospital. She had to go somewhere else and pay $400 because I guess it's considered plastic surgery. Is this the same everywhere? Does insurance cover circumcisions?

Don't have many boys in my family so I guess I don't really know.

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Posted at
My hospital doesnt do it. If i was gonna get it done it would be at his pediatrician and insurance wouldnt cover it. The price was $350. It was a big argument between my husband and i the whole pregnancy but i got my way eventually and we left his dick alone lol


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We didn't circumcise our sons but out of curiosity we asked insurance if it would be covered and they said no because it's considered cosmetic. 


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My insurance covers it 100% and they do it at the hospital when he is born. No problems at all with my sons circumcision.


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We had ours done at the hospital and it was 100% covered. We didn't pay a cent for it. I think it depends on the hospital, the location & the insurance. 


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It really depends on the hospital and insurance provider these days. It's no longer considered a medically necessary procedure. 


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I think (but could be wrong) that it has to be paid for in the Uk. We don't usually circumcise our sons in the Uk, so unless it was for medical reasons I think you have to pay


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In Canada, it's considered cosmetic and it's about $200. Insurance wont cover it, but you can get it done at the hospital.


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Depends on your insurance. My insurance covers it but we are having a little girl so we don't need it done lol. 


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My insurance doesn't cover it either and the cost is just over $400.  I received a letter from my doctors office with info regarding what my insurance does/does not cover.  


Posted at
Our hospital doesn't do them anymore but our pediatrician does. Out of pocket cash is $400 but insurance covers part of it for us. Just depends.