Sister in law hell (venting)


So I recently posted a status on Facebook about a mosquito bite on my toe and getting a Charlie horse trying to scratch it. I was sharing something amusing. Well a friend of mine said to watch out now that mosquitoes are coming out because of the zika virus.

Well my anti Vax sister in law gets on and puts that it's now "proven" to be the tdap vaccine. Knowing I just got mine last week as did her brother (my husband). I just want to scream!!!! I know she's just trying to draw me in to a fight so she can feel superior but wtf! Mind you this woman a doula and upset because I'm not using her services nor having a home birth. Makes me so angry! If I was a more vengeful person I'd have a c-section just to be a bigger jerk! (I'm not because it's not necessary and I'm not going to let someone change my birth plan simply because I'm pissed)

Sorry had to vent some where