I lost my little man today...

Today, my son was born. For 9 months he held our hearts while we anxiously awaited his arrival. We cleared out the extra bedroom and created his castle. Hours upon hours assembling furniture and his crib. Painting over old memories to create new ones. Putting away his new clothes, well, new to us. All of the clothes that had once been used to clothe all of our friends babies. His pay it forward wardrobe. Drawers stacked with newborn diapers. And the finishing touch, a fish mobile made of bamboo. Hung right over his changing table. Ready for his return from the hospital. Car seat in place ready for inspection on discharge day. Sadly, there will be no coming home party. My son died peacefully today. His name is Fisher. He's my little warrior. His heart valves were donated so that another little baby may live. He's a hero.