Weird cycle, need help

Hi, I'm really confused, very nervous and dying for some input. I had a very early miscarriage in October, it was horrible and my husband and I are still trying for our first baby since last July. I know my dr said my cycles will most likely be irregular for a few months after what happened, but this is really weird. We've been trying and finally, my period was late. I tried not to get too happy because we've been so disappointed each month when AF came around. But this time I spotted brown for 3 days then stopped. CM is egg white and light to medium. Then a week of no spotting. Now for the past 4 days I've been spotting brown, light pink and then nothing again all throughout the day.... Can someone please tell me what they think is going on? I have not taken a test yet because I'm SO terrified of going through what we did last time in knowing way too early if we were pregnant and then it not sticking :( Please help