Is it ok to name our son with the same name as a family member?

Breanna • Stay at home mom of one little girl with a little boy on the way. Due 09.14.16
Ok, so the only name my husband and I can agree on for our little boy is Jacob/Jake. The problem with is that his future uncle's name is also Jacob/Jake. Normally I am not for naming a child the same name as anyone in the family, BUT... (Now, this is where it might get confusing so I apologize if it does)
My husband's father got married to a wonderful lady long after all of his and her kids were out of the house, he has 3 children and she has 3 children, all adults so they never lived together or got very close. Well his "stepsister" is married to Jacob, so there is no blood relationship whatsoever. We live on opposite sides of the country and see them very seldomly. Now we get along great with them, they are wonderful people, I just normally am very against naming our kids with the same name as a family member. However I feel in this instance it might be different since we are not very close to them and there is no blood shared between us. They are basically like a couple of long-distance friends.
So I guess my question is, do you think it would be weird to name our son Jacob in this case?

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