
History of PIH with first baby, pregnant with second. My BP has been up and down since 33 weeks. My OB has been monitoring it and im scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks (currently 37+4). My BP seems to be okay when they check it at the office then i get home and it's completely different. I've been on modified bedrest for 3 weeks and have been taking it easy. I get so frustrated coz they check it, tell me its elevated but not concerning then i get home my BP runs 140's/90's or higher. Hands and feets swollen and feel tingly and headaches. My OB tells me if I have symptoms of preeclampsia i should go to L&D. I went in last week, they monitored me for 3 hours and sent me home. I don't wanna keep going to L&D only to be sent home and keep running my medical bills. Im so over being pregnant and having BP problems.