Need advice?

Hey ladies, so I have a thyroid disorder called Hypothyroidism that makes me very constipated. I found out I had it the very first time was when I was constipated for 5 days and I couldn't go. I took 2-4 laxatives and nothing happened. Finally, I went to the emergency room and my stomach was in knots.  They told me my levels were way out of whack for the normal range like 347 something. They gave me morphine and tramidol or something and I did my business finally. And then they diagnosed me and said I had Hypo. 
I took 2 laxatives around 3pm today and still nothing has happened all day. I have been out all day and just have been having gas and air. I am debating on going to the e.r for this issue but I prefer to not spend my Easter in the hospital. My stomach has been hurting all day off and on and cramps and then I am fine. What should I do? 
Thanks for your advice, no rude comments