Dreaming of ...PINK?? 😮

Sadie • Nathaniel William O'Donnell, Due May 27 🍼💙

Okay, Do I'm currently carrying a little blue blessing due towards the end of May. And I've been so sure it was a boy this entire pregnancy, even before it was confirmed.

But I had the most peculiar dream last night! I was in labor at the hospital having my baby (Which went by SO QUICKLY in dream land 😂) a'll was said and done and this doctor so happily announces that we had a baby GIRL! I was so shocked and taken back.

Now I know dreams don't always account for much, especially in such an instance as this. But has anyone had similar dreams and got there mind a thinkin like mine is? Lol 'Cause all I keep thinkin is, is this is true hopefully the baby's a tomboy early on! Lol we lack so much of anything even gender neutral in our baby items. lol

Has anyone gone though pregnancy thinking you were having one gender and then birthed another?