Wedding Day

My wedding day is approaching and I am not excited. You see we originally were going to have a wedding. I did all the work. Day came to put the deposit down I had my portion he didn't have his. Then there was drama with his mom. So because none of his family was coming he didn't want to have a wedding. I later found out it was because he didn't want to kick out a lot of money. We were having a small wedding on a boat everything included was 8000. All I had to do was get a cake and our wedding attire. At first I was ok with justice of the peace but now as we are less then 2 months away and find out he was just being cheap. I am livid. He feels it is more important we not spend money. Our honeymoon is also an issue. Because he wants to take a train to Florida 24 hrs going anoth 24 coming back. My vacation leave is not as great as his. He is willing to change locations but not more of transportation. I feel I am making all the sacrifices.