POS Ex Husband

🐢Mrs. Turtle🐢 • I`m a stay at home to my darling daughters aged 11, 11, 3, and son 10 months 💗💗💗💗

My oldest daughter's father is a real piece of s@#t. He hasnt called or attempted to make any contact with my daughter since August. I have continously sent him pics of her, messages, and tried calling him. All because she asked me to. At first, he made his current gf play middle man and STILL ignored my child.

The other day, she sent him a message on Xbox Live, and he IMMEDIATELY logged off. Turns out the new gf is 2 months pregnant and after their last miscarriage (which was literally right after I found out I was pregnant with my now 6 month old son) she has told my ex that me and my daughter are too much stress for her, so it was either her and their new baby or me and my 10 year old daughter. HE CHOSE HER.

My daughter is absolutely crushed and I dont know what I can do for her. She has my hubby, and we are in the process of him adopting her so she never has to see her father again if she doesnt want to but she is completely heartbroken by the fact that her father traded her in for a 19 year old girl because he couldnt have me. Which is essentially how the whole damn thing started.

(When he found out me and my husband were polyamorous, he tried to get back with me and wanted to have another baby together. I told him I'd have to think about it, but before I could make a decision I found out I was pregnant. HE thought I did it on purpose.)

I tried to make it work with him for her sake, but I just couldnt. And I TOLD everyone who asked (except my daughter of course) that the moment I stopped sleeping with him, he wouldnt be there for our daughter anymore. I just REALLY hate that I was right.

Okay rant over. Thanks for listening.