Sticky baby! Progesterone :(


Need some prayers, vibes, good thoughts my way please. I got this app about a month ago when my husband and I started TTC. When we decided to start, I started taking OPKs and realized I was ovulating when we started so we BDd twice that week. (Later found out, after getting positives everyday that I wasn't supposed to do them in the morning so wasn't even sure it was true)


I haven't really posted because I am very sensitive to the ladies on here that have been trying for a long time, and don't want to upset them.

Well, I went in after getting my BFP for blood work (last tuesday) and they called me the next day and said that my Progesterone was only a 6 (needs to be above 15). So they called me a Rx and I started taking Prometrium that evening, 200mg twice a day, orally. I had another draw on Thursday and haven't gotten the results back yet. Hoping the reason they didn't call me back Friday was because they came back ok, it was probably only because it was Good Friday though. Been stressing all weekend and having very light, intermittent cramps here and there but no spotting.

So if you guys could just throw some Sticky baby JuJu my way, I would appreciate it.

I have a 7 year old from an unplanned pregnancy at 16 and now that im married and have a college degree and good job, I'm trying to do things the "right way". I just want this so bad.

Thanks for reading :)