Please help me..

I am extremely confused and I need help. I am 9 DPO and my period is expected in 5 days. I starting 6 days after unprotected sex, I started to have dull cramping. 6 days after the cranking began, I had pink spotting that lasted a few hours, no where near enough for a pad or anything. During all this time I had a lot of while milky discharge, kind of like watery lotion. I also have extremely tender breasts and towards the evening my veins stick out a lot. They are visible during the day but worse in the evening. I took two pregnancy tests, one at 4 DPO and one at 7 DPO, both negative. I know it was too early, but I can't stop wondering! Do you think I could be pregnant? I still have cranking at random times, more so on the right.