Calling All Women :

I have just created a group called 'Anxiety / Depression / Loneliness Support !' and would be honored to see any of you ladies join it. It is there for those of us who struggle with anxiety, depression, and / or just feeling really lonely while pushing through our struggles. I would like to keep it an open-minded, positive, and safe place so that people feel comfortable being vulnerable within it - so if you have anything other than kind words, please do not participate! Have a lovely day. 🌞 ( * U P D A T E : Go to the 'Community' module, pull all the way down, and type 'Anxiety / Depression / Loneliness Support !' (WITHOUT the apostrophes.) into the search box. (Be sure to click on the third tab below the search bar, it should say 'Groups' - as in search all groups.) Once you have finished your search, click 'Join'! ☺️ * )