After D&C help

Mariangely 🐘❤️ • Baby was born 3 months early but he's a fighter!
I was pregnant and recently found out that the baby stopped the heart beats at 7weeks4days. I didn't know this until I went to my 10th week ultrasound and well that's when they told me. I had a D&C like 4 days after and I waited 2weeks for me and my husband to have sex. The doctor said I could start trying somewhere around April 1st through April 4th. Thing is that, I'm scared to try again because I lost the baby because my HCG count was low. So I just wanna know if there is anyone that can relate to my story and if they have had a rainbow baby after their D&C. Me and my husband are still upset but we know we will have our chance again and make sure that we can get the treatment whenever I do get pregnant again.