The nerve of some people...


Let me preface this story with the attached picture this is what I was wearing. I'm 30 weeks 5 days.

I'm standing in the dairy aisle grocery shopping and I hear this woman scream from 2 aisles away "when is your baby due" June 2nd "wow you're really big aren't you, I just saw a girl SAME due date but she barely looks pregnant, nothing like you" well I have gestational diabetes so she could be a bigger baby (as I'm smiling answering her I'm thinking why am I justifying my pregnancy to a stranger but I'm in shock n pissed off at this point so) "Oh is that pop in your cart, you can't have that don't you know it's bad for your baby" well it's for my husband. "Oh your married that's nice you're not alone" yeah 2 years. "Oh my did you check your yougurt for artifical sugars, those are bad too" no I didn't thanks "Well when we saw how big you are from across the store we just had to come over and wish you a happy labor"

Now anyone who knows me if I wasn't pregnant my husband would be bailing me out of jail right now for hulking out on a stranger at shop n save, however because of peanut I politely kept my mouth shut n marched on to the next aisle... anyone else experience this lol!!!