Zairas Birth Story :-)

Yoana • Zaira Karime has arrived 🎀
It was 7:34pm on March 25 when my vaginal pain got worse, i couldnt even talk, my SO called a friend to take us to hospital, we got to hospital L&D at 7:55pm.... I got atmitted at 8:05pm, they checked me and i was at 3cm, they left me overnight, on March 26 and in the morning at 4am they came to checked me and i was at 6cm, so they put the Epidural, and it didnt work i felt the contractions really horrible, so i was in pain, at 11:45am i was at 7cm and at 11:55am i was starting to get my contractions were really strong i couldnt breath, so i had to get oxygen, at 12:04pm i was ready to push i felt the urge to push, so i did i started to push, and my daughter was out by 12:09pm she cried alot, but when they out her close to my chest she stopped crying, they cleaned her and i feed her, she dont like formula, but she eats really good :-) No tearing down there but all the pain was worth it :-) We got home yesterday at 5pm in good conditions, i thank god, for my daughter :-)