Had a dream my fiancé...

Was pregnant!!! It was the strangest dream ever!
It felt so real and I just remember by fiancé hung out with my best friend and his roommates and they all got drunk and were wrestling and doing guy stuff and I guess one of them got my fiancé pregnant. He comes home and a few weeks later is so happy and all "omg honey I'm pregnant we're going to be parents!" And I said "you're going to be a parent. That's obviously NOT my baby" and we took him to the dr he got a test and an ultrasound and everyone was so happy for him and congratulating us!! He had the happiest look on his face it was too fucking weird. And of course I am furious! And I keep bringin up "what if this was me? What if I came home and said honey I'm pregnant and you're not the father" and nobody had my back they all said I was being rude. So I took off my engagement ring, handed it to him and said "if you're serious about wanting to be with me then we need to have a talk" and we went into another room to speak in private and I told him if he wanted to be with me he had to get an abortion because I'm not raising another mans child with him. And he just kept smiling and saying "no baby you'll make a great mother" and I said "I'm not a mother, some random guy got you pregnant. Not me. This isn't my responsibility" and I was sobbing and screaming. It was a nightmare from hell and I just need to share it with you all 😂😂😂