Coca cola for morning sickness???

Hey November ladies!!!
I have been having wicked morning sickness since about 3.5 weeks along (didn't know it at the time but I was pregnant lol). I have tried EVERYTHING for morning sickness - ginger tea, ginger tablets, ginger ale (burns coming back up by the way), peppermint tea etc etc...
The only thing that works is some sort of diet caffeinated drink (diet coke, Pepsi max etc), or frozen coke. Coke has the same amount of caffeine in it as a cup of coffee so I restrict myself to one can every two days but since it's the only thing that works it's killing me... I already hate vomiting... Is there anything else I can try?
Please no judgement on the whole coca cola thing... I have one every two days which is less than what they safely recommend u can have a day (one can of coke or one cup of coffee a day). 
Anyone else have this??