Boyfriend issues

Today I received a really nasty inbox  on Facebook of one of my boyfriends exs of three years and she wished death upon my unborn child. It hurt me to the core but I didn't respond to her for the simple fact that the stupid little bitch has been trying to make my pregnancy hell since I was 4 months. My boyfriend told her off and so did my mother in law. My boyfriend ended up telling his brother and his brother said that ever since I came in the picture there's been nothing but drama. Again I didn't say anything... I like to keep my rude comments to myself. At first my boyfriend was defensive towards him, then a few seconds later he agreed with him. Then again my mother in law came to my defense to stand up for me. I leave and come downstairs to my apartment and my boyfriend starts saying all these hurtful things like it's my fault that his ex hit me up being petty. Like if I wanted her to wish death upon my daughter. Then when I stick up for myself he gets defensive and acts like a pure dick head. I've been talking to him about marriage and he was all for it but today he said "I don't have to get you a ring. I'll save all my money" and that hurt so much. It was like the icing on the cake. The way I took it as, is like I don't mean shit to him. I sit here and tell him everything and how I feel about doing things the right way and he just throws it in my face. Idk if I'm over reacting cause of these pregnancy hormones but it really crushed my heart when he said that. As of right now I'm not working. I haven't been working since I've gotten pregnant and it's a constant thing of him throwing stuff in my face about money when honestly I don't ask him for shit. I wear the same clothes all the time, I don't get my hair or nails done. I don't ask him for money. The only thing I ask of him is to buy food so I can have food to cook in the house and for him to please help me out with my phone bill... Only those two things I ask him for and he constantly throws it in my face. He lost his old job like 2 months ago and when I did my taxes I had a good amount so whatever he needed I easily gave it to him. I was down to my last 100 and was trying to hold on to it and save it so I can pay for my own shit on my baby shower day but no he needed a detox drink and breed me to help him with his phone bill and I did cause I'm not selfish and never not once did I throw that in his face. But now that he has a new job now everything is about money with him and I'm tired. I've been with him for a year and 3 month, I'm a week away from being 8 months and I would think I could confide in him but I can't. He's always making me feel less worthy of myself like if I'm not good enough 😢 I don't have nobody else except him so what do I do? I have no family at all so I have no one to talk to ... Sorry for this long thing but I just wanted to vent :/