
okay, so I'm super confused. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 yrs. we had the best friendship that turned to our relationship. First year was great, we had some bad days but more good. We were so in love, & I wanted to spend the rest of mf live with him. I had a miscarriage in 2015, couple days after New Years .. started going down hill from there. I had been ttc since then but no luck ... The past 5 months have been so hard. We constantly argue and fight over the stupidest shit . I'm super emotional and I feel as if he doesn't take my feelings into consideration & it's hurting me. I try to make him happy everyday. I try to keep a smile on his face. I have mild depression & I feel like that sometimes affects our relationship cause I can be a bitch and he says I nag a lot, when all he does is play the game. He constantly leaves me home alone, shows no affection, &' I don't know what to do .. His fam talks about me, and I'm so respectful to them . He's going to Cali for 6 mths for school .. And I don't know how to feel .. Help me please, this is killing me 😔💔