15 months later we've got our baby!

It's been hard, as so many of you know, trying to get pregnant. Once we hit a year, I wondered if I would be able to handle two- convinced that I would still be childless the next Christmas and the one after that. My husband was always more positive than me and would say "We'll just try again next month, honey. It'll happen." 
I have always had very irregular cycles and never worried too much about it until we started trying for a family. 40-80 day cycles don't go well with getting pregnant. And many doctor visits turned into shrugged shoulders. They put me on Letrozol last cycle and I took an expectorant when ovulating. One or both worked because Easter Morning, I ran out of the bathroom sobbing with a pregnancy test in my shaking hand. I had convinced myself that I would never see the lines go positive. That I would never have to frantically reread the directions again and again to make sure I was seeing a positive. Even today I bought a different brand of test to make absolutely sure that our baby is finally here. 
And you know the funniest thing? I'm kicking myself for not hoping more. For not putting more faith in one day getting pregnant. 
So for everyone trying- know that I've been there. Not as long as some of you who have been trying for years and years, but I know at least a little of how it feels. Give yourself a chance to hope. My hope is now for a healthy baby and one for all of you. <3