I need a divorce

I'm sick and tired of working so hard to build this life that we promised one another in front of God and 200 witnesses, when he doesn't appreciate me or nothing I have to offer. I'll never be good enough. I always come 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th when it comes to his family and his hobbies or obsessions. He has made me into being a in a vegetable like depressed state. I'm always left alone. When he's home at night and I ask him to come get in the bed with me I have to compete with snapchat, Facebook, youtube, and the television. This is why people leave. I have given him 10 years of my life. The most important developmental part of my life when I find out who I truley am and now it's gone. I don't know who I am. And get this...when I told him I wanted a divorce he said "Well I'm just warning you if you ever want better for yourself, you leave me you lose a free ride." A free ride? The free ride i worked my ass off in 4 years of college to get? And then be told I can't work because it's not a woman's job. Then he says "I hope the next person you're with beats the hell out of you everyday for the rest of your life." And "don't try to sleep with me tonight because I have no more feelings for you" oh yeah and "you better be lucky I'm a changed man and I don't hit women, shut up or I will beat the shit out of you right now." I'm done. I need better.