Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound

Hi all I just want to encourage anyone who gets one of these that many times the results come back as false positive especially if you are slightly older in age because it's mathematical.  I had the ultrasound a couple weeks ago and the sonographer said oh your baby has a nose bone and no fluid behind the neck so I thought everything was perfect...3 days later I received a call from my Dr saying there was a 1:76 chance my baby had Down's...I began to panic...I also took the QNatal test at Quest Lab so my Dr. Told me don't stress until those results come in.  Of course, I stressed and started researching!  Unless you want an extra ultrasound, I am against this test!  My QNatal test came back and baby girl is fine!  3rd girl for us....our youngest is 18 so this was a Christmas Surprise!!