BFP! what did We do different this month :)

Xim. • 35 years old., DH 33. Finally pregnant!!!
Well, you guys have been with me through the whole process TTC for 5 months and I'm 35... Clock is ticking! AF is due in a couple of days and I have all the symptoms, so you are officially the first to know.. Don't want to get overly excited. In any case I just want to tell you what I did different this month, hoping it helps someone: Geritol and Maca Root for the first half of my cycle, after ovulation just prenatal vitamins. Hubby was on a cocktail of zinc, folic acid, Maca root and regular vitamins (he always have those) and we use pressed for the first month :) we BD the exact day of my positive on the OPK but we took a break for 2 days before. I hope with my heart this info helps someone out there :) thanks to all!!!!