Post partum depression

Hey gals.  So a little background. My last baby came early and emergently at 35 weeks. I had emergent c cection, he had to stay in the NICU for 5 days. We had immense trouble breastfeeding and matching, pain you name it. I also had him in December and we live in the mountains. So, I was quite cooped up, was not mentally prepared for all the work and troubles breastfeeding. We also live no where near family, so it was just my husband and I. Needless to say looking back I realized I suffered from post partum depression. I would cry hours on end and even started to resent my baby. But I didn't realize I was having this problem until the fog cleared and I was thinking clearly. So now I am pregnant again. I originally wanted a spring 2017 baby so I wouldn't be so cooped up all winter, but mother nature has different plans and I am very excited but am having another winter baby. Winter here lasts from the end of October until April. I'm so worried it will happen again or be worse since now I have a toddler to look after as well. I know some things will probably be better, I know how to breastfeed now, I know the pain eventually goes away, I k now what to expect with a c section. But I can't shake this feeling of worry, and it's still so far away! I'm not keen on taking meds, just wondered if anyone else went through something similar.