Katelyns arrival


I know im posting this waaaaay late but better late then never. I started having painful contractions on tuesday January 26th on my due date, after about 6 hrs and contractions getting much closer we left for the hospital, I was reluctant after having a false alerm run the week before. After being admitted i decided to try to sleep before it got to bad, which killed my contractions 😬. So we started walking rounds on the materity floor and got them going again, til i lied down to rest snd they started dying off again. My doctor decided to break my water at 10 am Wednesday morning, which started to trickle but did nothing for my contractions. More walking, still very irregular contractions and only 2 centimeters dilated. Around 4 i got an epidural since we knew pitocin was coming, which they did start around 6. 3 hours later it was time to push, i swear it only felt like 10mins, turns outs it was 45! At 9:59pm katelyn came at once with one big push. 6 lbs 15 oz, 19 inches long. I did rip a bit, i believe it was my fault though, since my epidural was about to run out and not wanting to feel to worse part i starting pushing harder then ever.

I went into the hospital thinking i knew how everything would go, after months of reading webpages and watching birth videos, i was set to have a completely natural birth, but in the end im so glad i choose the epidural, because after 25 hrs of labor and over half of them spent walking in circles, i truly dont believe i would have had the energy to push. I was relaxed, and even creaking jokes in between pushes. Now i have a beautiful healthy baby girl, and truly love being a mom.