So there's this guy...

Charlie • Bass playing bad ass with all too many questions
I hung out with this great guy three days ago. We had been talking a lot and I think we have a bit of a connection. I'm a sophomore and he's a senior (16 and 18) and he told me he wasn't just looking for a hookup so I felt good about hanging out with him. We didn't have sex, but we did fool around a bit in other ways. 
I'm usually someone to take things REALLY slow... But I had just met him in person! It was the first time I'd done anything past a peck on the lips. 
 We're still talking but he's a bit more distant now. I'm probably just over thinking. I'm just worried he's gonna want nothing to do with me but I don't want to believe he'd use me. 
Any tips on how to approach him about his intentions/what he wants out of our time together?