I almost lost it!

Lisa • Mom of 4 boys and one baby girl. Mom of a high-school graduate, preschooler in heaven, 3 year old twins and a 1 year old princess.
I'm 16 weeks and haven't had morning sickness at all *knock on wood* but around 10:30 this morning it nearly happened. A student at my school got sick and we walked down the hall to the nurse with me holding a trash can in front of her. She didn't make it and missed the trash can. I'm gagging and calling for help, we finally make it to the nurse and I hand her off and go into the bathroom to gag over the sink. Students are starting to leave bc they think I'm going to get sick and poor girl just wants to go home. So I went down the hall to see if the janitor had found where it happened and they did. I start visualizing what happened and start to gag again. I go outside to get some fresh air and go back in to check on her and the nurse tells me her mom is on her way. Her mom gets there and she runs into her mom's arms. I hope she's ok, wonder if she'll be there tomorrow.