Best compliment!

We went to two babies r us free classes tonight - CPR and babywearing. The babywearing class only had three moms in it (and my hubs ;) ) and one lady was due in July, about a month directly after me. When we were talking she said that I looked great and didn't look that big yet-I could have cried and hugged her for saying that, I didn't ha but wanted to :) it just made my night. I'm feeling huge but hearing from someone that I don't appear that way at all and from a stranger just made my night :) I think, as women, we see ourselves differently then those around us and this just goes to show I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Hubs tells me this all the time but I never believe him, funny how a stranger says it and I just can't believe it and love it ha! So there you go ladies who feel bigger, instead think you look great because you probably do ;)