Reaching out for a few prayers/good juju/encouraging words


I just found out Friday that I'm pregnant with our first child!! I am 4 weeks, 4 days today. My husband and I are keeping it just between us until the 12 week mark (Memorial Day weekend!) because one of my sister in law's creates a lot of drama and I don't want that to complicate things for myself with having my feelings hurt or having her try to force her opinions on me. I know people are going to tell me to just tell a few people but we can't without her finding out as the one person my husband would want to tell most is her husband and it's not fair for me to tell people I want but not let him...

I am freaking out! I see so many stories on here about women miscarrying and after 6 months of waiting and praying for this, I'm too scared to let myself get too excited yet. I'm having major anxiety and every time I go to the bathroom I check the TP fearing the worst. I know worrying isn't helping, but I can't seem to stop... I supervise a histology lab, so I'm around formalin and xylene on a daily basis, and though I'm not in close proximity and wear necessary protective equipment, it still worries me. I know plenty of friends who've had normal pregnancies with healthy babies who work closer to the chemicals than I do... But still...

Now I'm even more worried because Monday I helped a friend with refinishing her cabinets. We did the stripping step... which now, after the fact, I realize was the worst possible step I could have helped with. I thought it was just a soap solution (I did my own cabinets a few months back and it didn't smell at all to me!) but it turns out it's 450ish VOC! I did that on 4weeks, 2 days! I can't do anything about that now but pray... But I'm terrified I did something that will hurt my baby's development or cause me to miscarry!

I believe in the power of prayer, so if you guys do too and wouldn't mind shooting up a couple for our little baby, a healthy pregnancy, and for my anxiety I would REALLY appreciate that! I want to ask our families, but I'm worried that it would make my anxiety worse instead of better because of my SIL! My husband has been trying to calm me down but I guess I need to hear from a few other women if this is all normal and such...

If that's not your thing, a few words of encouragement would be equally appreciated.

Please no comments about how stupid I was to help her strip cabinets, I already feel terrible enough...

Thank you in advance!!