So confused (baby's gestational age) help?

I found out I was pregnant on October 29th, 2015 at 9 DPO. My periods were a little off because of a D&C I'd had in July, 2015 so my doctor ordered a dating scan at approx 10 weeks 1 day. She told me scans between 8-11 weeks are best for determining due date and the baby measured 9 weeks 2 days. So my due date then was July 11th, 2016. I went for an anatomy ultrasound at 25 weeks 3 days (according to due date) and the ultrasound tech said baby measured small and in the 24th week but her weight (1 lb, 9oz) and my fundal height (26 cm) both are accurate for 25 weeks. Is she just small or what could be wrong?