I think my husband is giving up TTC😥😭😔

We got pregnant with our fourth pregnancy after ttc for 5 months in January (2 successful pregnancies) we lost that baby in February at 7 weeks. We both decided to start ttc right away. I have always had irregular periods so I started tracking my ovulation using OPK. I had a positive OPK three weeks after my mc. We were excited and BD everyday. During our tww we had several negative tests. My period has yet to show. When my AF was scheduled to show according to this app I started having symptoms of ovulating so I took a test for fun. Well it came out positive now 6 dpo I felt symptoms again took OPK and it was positive Again. And yes I took a hpt too that was negative. So now it's been almost 2 months from my mc three positive OPKs later and still no period. My husband isn't interested in BDing and has basically said he isn't interested in wanting to ttc. He also has encouraged me to find a fertility specialist. I feel like a complete failure. I just lost our baby and now he states my body is all messed up. I understand were he is coming from but he doesn't even want to give us a chance even though we have had positive OPKs in the mean time trying to get an appointment with a doctor.Â