Conflicted venting

Emma • I'm 20 almost 21. I've been sexually active since age 19. My babies are my cats!

I've been dated him for a year and a half. We decided that I should move in but I haven't because his older brother lives with him and depends on my boyfriend. Thats not the main issue though. The issue is that the brother thinks he is in charge (house is under my guys name) and has two nasty poor dogs that piss and shit inside the house and everywhere outside including on the driveway and constantly bark and howl. One has flea allergies and has had a hole chewed open on his tail for the last 2 years non stop the other is a little shit. He got a cat and dumped her on us (we love her very much) and recently he got and stupid lizard. The man leaves his pets 2-3 days a week and my boyfriend has to take care of these animals that are not his so they don't starve or get sick and it pisseds me off. To add to that this guy has a girlfriend with 3 kids that I love but they have completely taken over with toys and kids stuff. The baby has torn up the walls and ceals with his stupid walker and screams over everything.

I want to move in because I love my boyfriend and of course I have bad family issues of my own but I cannot handle this shit. The girlfriend is mad because it's not my boyfriends brothers house and she can't move in and gives me shit and no makes me feel shitty. Everything is so stupid and I can't say anything! I'm going crazy! I just got back from a mini vacation and stepped in dog shit and cleaned it and pissed up 4 days in a row. 😠😣😢😫👎

I have my family giving crap and telling what I should say and do and trust me I've said stuff but because I don't live there yet I don't get a say...... augh what do it doooooo!!!!!