Am I over thinking this?

I have a horrible habit of over thinking just about everything. I just want some opinions from other women on this before I lose my shit. This will probably be long. Sorry.

My husband and I have lived in our neighborhood for almost two years. We've had the same neighbors for the majority of that time. There's this couple next door that we have never really spoken to. My husband had a couple conversations with the man but that's it other than the polite wave. I see the woman outside every single day. Well today my husband was outside doing yard work when she came out to cut her grass. She approached him and started a conversation with "I've been meaning to come over and tell you.." She then proceeds to tell him that we won't be seeing the man around anymore. They split up and she kicked him out because he went "bat shit crazy" on her. She tells him how her mom passed away and that he had been treating her like crap for the last few months. Tells him about court threats and property disputes. My husband said she literally broke down crying saying that she is so scared because she doesn't know what he is capable of. She then exchanges numbers with my husband. Tells him its so that if she ever calls or texts him be can call the police for her. He exchanged numbers with her hoping she would go away. He was extremely uncomfortable especially with her break down. He came inside right after and showed me her number, asking if he can just give her mine.

Here's my issue. We didn't even know her name before this. Never had one conversation with her. But, from the few conversations my husband had with her now ex we know that he is a cop and she is a detective. So, why the hell does she need to contact my husband for him to call the cops?! In the time it takes for her to either call or text my man she could have called for her damn self. Right? And.. Being a detective I am sure she has police friends or any friends for that matter that she can contact. If anything I could understand if she just wanted to give us a heads up and ask that we keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Also, like I said I see her every day. She could have approached me herself. I feel like she overstepped and disrespected me by giving him her number. I'm now thinking my husbands phone will be ringing at odd hours with her crying and asking if he could come over. Better believe I'd be walking my ass over there. Ugh. Anyway, am I tripping over nothing? Again, sorry its so long.