What the hell is wrong w my fingers? HELP!

Ok so just recently after getting my nails done the top of my fingers gets really swollen and itchy even some of my fingers get little bumps on them like aunt bites and if I scratch them they get super dried out and my skin starts cracking. I've been getting my nails done for years (with breaks in between) and I've never had this problem until a couple of months ago. I go to the same exact nail place and the same lady and she doesn't use anything different then any other nail place. I even took my nails off and let them breathe for a couple of weeks and they were fine until I got them done again so I know it's the nails that are the problem. I know the simple solution is to just stop getting them done but I really don't want to I will though if I don't figure out what's going on with my nails. Here's a photo 
On my thumb you can see that's the one I scratched cause it's all dried out and on my middle finger you can see the little bumps. Pls if anyone has gone through this or knows what exact product caused this comment. 
Thanks to those who actually help.