Could I be infertile?

Sara • 19 ✊ In College 😊 Future Physical Therapist 😊 Take me back to Florida 🌴🌞 Cocky Little 💩Head 💪 😂

Okay so my boyfriend and I aren't TTC but at the same time if it happens, it happens. Anyway, our preferred method of BC is withdrawal, although for the past year or so we kinda just let it go(meaning he cums in me) but month after month I continue to get my period.

This past month, AF was a little late(15days approx) so I got a bit happy but she came on the 27th and left on Sunday the 3rd but my first 3 and last 2 days my period was so light that it only showed when I wiped and my 4th day was probably my heaviest with the flow being medium.

Bottom line is it possible that I may be infertile? It scares me to think that I may never be able to conceive my own child. Someone help, please! It's seriously driving off the walls.