Yea I might do that cause if it's a faint line then I would go to my doctor and see
Ann • Apr 5, 2016
Honest truth though is that if you ARE pregnant it will be clear soon enough! Blessings!
Ann • Apr 5, 2016
Not crazy. My advice would be wait 2 days and try again before getting too excited. But if I were you I'd probably be taking another today or tomorrow to seeing I get another faint line because I would have trouble waiting. 😉
I do vvfl.. I'm not sure what indents are as some lady's call them but maybe it could be that.. But I deff see something.. Do it again in a few days.. Your already late so 2, 3 days it should show better... Good luck:)
Alejandra • Apr 5, 2016
So do you see the line? Everyone else is saying no there isn't