Help need Advice!

Tatiana • Married to my high school love. Mommy to my amazing 7 year old. ♡
So I am 39 weeks and 4 days today. Baby head has been down and ready for a month now and I have been dilated for 3 weeks. I've been having contractions for a week now and then they go away after an hour. I'm getting really frustrated because I'm so tired and so ready to have this baby out of me. I've been so active and walked everyday, doing as much as I can. Last week the doctor recommended sweeping my membranes and I wanted to give my baby this last week to do it on her own..but my appointment is in 2 days and I'm thinking about going for it. Any advice on how bad it will hurt or if it is something I shouldn't do? Thursday will also be my last day of work and I just don't know how much longer she is going to stay.