Is this wrong?

Ericka • 26, Mother of one
Today I'm 18w 5d, my bfs Dad mentioned how big my belly was getting, so he came over to me and rubbed my belly, which is no big deal, but then mentioned that my boobs had gotten a lot bigger too and I was kinda thrown off as to why he would make a comment like that. To make matters worse he said he saw one of my push up bras in the laundry room and was worried that my breasts weren't going to be big enough to produce enough milk for his grandchild. This infuriated and made me super uncomfortable especially knowing that nobody else was around to hear what he just said. I tried to be as polite as possible and got in my car and left as quickly as I could. The farther I drove away the angrier I got, so I called my Bf, who happened to be at work, and told him what his dad said to me. He tried to assure me that his dad probably didn't mean to be disrespectful and that I was over reacting. And I assured my Bf that, if my own dad ever mentioned anything about my beasts I wouldn't of went off on him and most likely end up giving him a good slap in the face. Not only do I think it was disrespectful of his dad to mention my breasts but it also made me feel really uncomfortable to be around him. I really feel like he needs to apologize to me. Given, I know my body, just like any other pregnant woman is going through changes, I just don't believe he should be the one to point out the changes I'm going through.. do you think I should demand an apology or am I over reacting?